New Book Release: TOMB OF GODS

Posted: May 23, 2020 in Uncategorized


After 3 years of researching Egyptian mythology and writing, my latest novel just released!! 

TOMB OF GODS is an action-adventure thriller with horror and sci-fi fantasy mixed in for fun. Set in late 1930s London and Egypt, the story follows a team of British archaeologists and soldiers who explore deep into an Egyptian cave tomb full of horrors and wonders. Among them, Egyptologist Imogen Riley is searching for what caused her grandfather’s team to vanish in these caves during a previous ill-fated expedition. And why did her grandfather return insane and covered head-to-toe in mysterious scars. Also along for the adventure are archaeologists for the British Museum led by Dr. Nathan Trummel, American journalist and photographer Caleb Beckett, and cast of other characters. Every member of the expedition team will be tested as they face their darkest fears in a seemingly endless maze of caves that may contain one of the greatest secrets of the ancient pharaohs. The explorers discover quickly that they are being stalked in these caves. The horror scenes are scary, so this novel is not for the faint of heart. If you like Egyptian history mixed with tomb raider adventure, horror and sci-fi fantasy, then I think you’ll enjoy this book.

TOMB OF GODS is now available in paperback, hardback, and eBook on Amazon, and through other booksellers.


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